<%@ LANGUAGE = JScript %> <% // Delete an account and associated profile. // Initially warn the user, and in the second go actually delete // account and consultant info. var DEBUG_NoMail = true; var DEBUG_IdentityXSL = false; var DEBUG_AllLanguages = false; var DEBUG_WriteFormParams = false; var DEBUG_WriteKeyValues = false; var paramSecondRound; var paramLang = "DE"; // check first if user logged in already... // if not redirect to login page, carry the arguments along. Response.Buffer=true; var sessionID = Request.Cookies("sic-user"); if (sessionID == "0" || sessionID == ""){ // user has not registered yet, go to login script Response.Redirect("login.asp"); } paramLang = Request.QueryString("param-lang").item; if (paramLang == null) paramLang = Request.Form("param-lang").item; if (paramLang == null) paramLang="EN"; var translations = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); translations.async=false; translations.load(Server.MapPath("translations\\" + paramLang + ".xml")); var textTitle = translations.selectSingleNode("/translations/ui/deleteAccount/title/@translation").text; var textQuestion = translations.selectSingleNode("/translations/ui/deleteAccount/question/@translation").text; var textDelete = translations.selectSingleNode("/translations/ui/deleteAccount/delete/@translation").text; var textCancel = translations.selectSingleNode("/translations/ui/deleteAccount/cancel/@translation").text; var textDone = translations.selectSingleNode("/translations/ui/deleteAccount/done/@translation").text; var textCanceled = translations.selectSingleNode("/translations/ui/deleteAccount/canceled/@translation").text; paramSecondRound = Request.Form("paramSecondRound").item; Response.ContentType="text/html"; %> SIC Gruppe - Karriere: Email-Formular

                  <%=textTitle %>

<% if (paramSecondRound == null){ // get form content from translation file // set hidden parameter paramSecondRound %> <%=textQuestion%>

<% }else{ var deleteRequest = Request.Form("delete").item != null; if (!deleteRequest){ %> <%=textCanceled%> <% }else{ var profiles = openDB(); var loginName = getLoginNameFromSessionID(sessionID, profiles); var consultantIDs = getConsultantsForAccount(loginName, profiles); var consultantID; if (consultantIDs.size == 0){ consultantID = null; }else{ consultantID = consultantIDs[0]; } deleteConsultantFromAccount(loginName, consultantID, profiles); deleteAccount(loginName, profiles); logout(sessionID, profiles); Response.Cookies("sic-user") = "0"; // Response.Cookies("sic-user").Expires = 0; // Response.Cookies("sic-user").Domain = ""; //Response.Cookies("sic-user").Path = "/sic"; Response.Cookies("sic-user").Path = getCookiePath(); // Response.Cookies("sic-user").Path = "/JOWEB"; %> <%=textDone%> <% profiles.close(); } } %>

Copyright (c) 2000 SIC Group
Design by Fragment Art & Research, Inc.


<% Response.Flush(); %>